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terms of use 



- GL, NL

- genderbending

- any kind of songs and music genre


- any kind of PL

- commercial use without my (the creator's) knowledge

- using the voicebank in a way that might break any of the rules imposed by Ameya/Ayame-P for UTAU


Please don't redistribute or alter the voicebanks, say you they're yours or sell them. Same goes for the illustrations. 


For commercial use, please contact me first. 



- GL, NL

- genderbending

- roleplay (but let me now!)

- cosplay 

- literally every kind of AU or situation or idea you might think of, unless it's mentioned in the NOT OK part bellow

- you can change the personality, outfit, gender, appearence as much as you want in order to fit your purpose.  Just don't say they're canon.


- commercial use without my (the creator's) knowledge

- using the character in a distasteful, hateful or hurtful way


Just don't do something you personally wouldn't like being done to you. If you're not sure, feel free to ask me.


Don't say it's yours.


For commercial use (comics, posters, merch, etc.) please contact me first.


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